Agrarian Tours

Garden centerIf you plan and want to implement a tour on a theme Arable processing (maize, sunflower, barley, wheat, rye, etc.) or Animal-breeding (cows, pigs, buffalos, sheep, horses, etc.), Greenhouses or Poultry-farming, Milk-production and milk-processing, Vine-growing and wine-production, Essential cultures (rose, lavender, mint, herbs, etc.), or on a theme Beekeeping or Forestry, you are at the right place – Bulgaria is ideal for that!

Since the remote past, Bulgarians have been famous for their farmer skills. Development of the Bulgarian civilization at that time was more or less influenced by the geographical conditions and subsequently led to improvement of the cereal crops cultivation which was their main agricultural activity. Archeological excavations revealed variety of sowing seeds (wheat, barley, rye and millet) and evidenced presence of high-yielding sorts, which are now selected thanks to the long and hard work of the specialists in grain cultivation. The Bulgarians were proud with their flocks of sheep, oxen, cows, buffalos and horses. Horses were bred not only to help in the farm work – special elite studs served the needs of the army as well.

Hello!The love of the wine has been anchored in the Bulgarian folklore since Thracian times and that is why a great number of good wines have been (and still are) produced in Bulgaria – wines of high quality, with full taste, warm southern tones and superb scent, strong or light, mellow and frothy, elegant and delicate, soft and wild.

Today Bulgaria is a country, where modern agricultural technologies can be observed along with traditional handwork, where you can see a last-model car side by side with a donkey cart, where “yesterday” and “today” meet! A land that is rich in precious natural resources and unspoiled sites of natural value. A country with a great variety of natural places and amazing landmarks from different epochs of the civilization, with hospitable and kind people. A country that is worth to be enjoyed!

The specialized agricultural tours give you the opportunity not only to experience the contrasts, but to receive a good impression of the development of Bulgaria after the changes (falling down of communist regime – 1989). Talks on agricultural and local policy with the professionals as well as discussions and professional visits are harmonically combined with interesting cultural and historical visits.Modern agricultural technologies

Every inquiry of yours will be carefully processed by our qualified team specifically for you, thus an optimal design for your agricultural tour to be offered.

Thanks to the geographical location of Bulgaria (in the hearth of the Balkan peninsula) and our excellent cooperation with our partners from almost all Balkan countries (Romania, Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Turkey) we are also able to prepare and offer combined Balkan tours as well.

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Agrarian tours Gallery