Author Archives: ulpia
Улпия Турс ООД беше одобрена по схемата за безвъзмездна финансова помощ по проект на НАП „Подкрепа чрез оборотен капитал за МСП, засегнати от временните противоепидемични мерки“ с финансовата подкрепа от Европейския съюз.
Улпия Турс ООД сключи договор с Министерство на туризма по проект „Подкрепа на предприятия, регистрирани по Закона за туризма като туроператор или туристически агент, за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“ с финансовата подкрепа от Европейския съюз.
Описание на проекта:
Проектът „Подкрепа на предприятия, регистрирани по Закона за туризма като туроператор или туристически агент, за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“ по процедура BG16RFOP002-2.092 на Министерство на туризма на Република България е изготвен с цел предоставяне на подкрепа за микро, малки и средни предприятия (МСП), регистрирани по Закона за туризма като туроператор или туристически агент, за дейности, необходими за преодоляване на недостига на средства или липса на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19, като начин да се гарантира тяхната стабилност, устойчивост и работни места.
Постигнати резултати:
С полученото финансиране по проекта „Подкрепа на предприятия, регистрирани по Закона за туризма като туроператор или туристически агент, за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“ по процедура BG16RFOP002-2.092 бе подпомогнато дружеството, като по този начин бе осигурена устойчивост в дейността му. Със средствата от БФП бяха преодолени в известна степен щетите от корона пандемията, което ще допринесе за запазване позициите на дружеството на пазара.
Dear colleagues and partners,
It’s time to meet again! The team of Ulpia Tours is actively preparing for its participation in the largest tourist fair in Spain – FITUR Madrid 2018. Traditionally, we are exhibiting at the national stand of Bulgaria.
We kindly invite you to visit us at the FITUR 2018 tourism fair in Madrid in the period from January 17 to January 21 2018 in Hall 4 at our stand 4A02!
Please do not hesitate to contact us per e-mail as well as via our contact page.
See you soon in Madrid!
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
We would like to inform you that Ulpia Tours will take part in the ITB Berlin travel trade show from 8th to 12th March 2017 with a booth at the National stand of Bulgaria. You can find us in Hall 15.1, stand 101 where we can discuss our new products and suggestions for traveling to Bulgaria and the Balkans.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail as well as via our contact page.
See you at the ITB!
The team of Ulpia Tours
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
It is “that time of the year”! The team of Ulpia Tours is in feverish preparations for this year’s ITB Berlin travel fair. Traditionally we will be represented at the tourism show with a booth at the National stand of Bulgaria. You are more than welcome to visit us at stand 101, Hall 15.1 from 09th till 13th March 2016!
We will be happy to meet you there!
See you soon in Berlin!
Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce that Ulpia Tours is going to take part in the forthcoming International Tourism Trade Fair FITUR in Madrid, Spain. We will be more than pleased to welcome you at our stand, number 4C09 in Hall 4 from 20th till 24th January 2016, where you can get acquainted with our products and inspiring suggestions for traveling in Bulgaria and the Balkans!
Please do not hesitate to contact us per e-mail as well as via our contact page.
See you in Madrid!
14.-18.05.2016 Steam Trains in Bulgaria
We are offering a five day Steam Tour to Bulgaria, operating the BDZ Standard and Narrow Gauge steam locos 03.12, 05.01, 16.27, 46.03 and 609.76. Shed visits, authentic trains without the mandatory water tank car behind the loco! Scenic lines in the Rhodopien Mountains.
A detailed program is available from November 2015!
BDZ 46.03 after successful final test run in Sofia (June 2015)
BDZ 16.27 first test run (March 2015)
Dear railway fans,
Dear partners,
With great pleasure we would like to inform you that we can already welcome the newest member of the BDZ’s steam loco flotilla.
The rebuilding of the long awaited steam locomotive 16.27 completed successfully! Last week the first test runs of the locomotive have been carried out.
We would like to thank the locomotive team for the good and hard work. With diligence and restlessness, and especially strong will the team brought the locomotive back to life.
We hope that next year you will enjoy the first charter train trip with the newly rebuilt locomotives 46.03 and 16.27 with us!
In the meantime, the rebuilding of the other long awaited steam locomotive – 46.03, is running also at a good pace.
We will keep you informed!
Best regards,
Ulpia Tours
Dear Colleagues,
We are proud to inform you that we will attend the Reetex event in London, 2-3 February 2015.
We will be more than happy to meet you and discuss our exciting products and ideas and the opportunities for traveling in Bulgaria and the Balkan countries.
Next stop – London!
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that Ulpia Tours will be represented at the ITB Berlin tourism show from 4th to 8th March 2015 with a booth at the National stand of Bulgaria. You can find us in Hall 3.2, stand 101 where we can discuss our new products and suggestions for traveling to Bulgaria and the Balkans.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail as well as via our contact page.
See you at the ITB!